Create your account today and get the following benefits:
Our service allows you to compare shipping prices from leading courier companies like DPD, DHL, ParcelForce, Yodel and EVRi. You can filter by price, speed, collection type, or whether a printer is required. Once you find a suitable rate, you can book directly through our platform.
We currently compare prices for DPD, DHL, ParcelForce, Yodel and EVRi. More couriers will be added soon!
By using our service, you can save up to 60% on shipping costs compared to booking directly with couriers.
You can pay using debit or credit cards, or sign up for our new payment service, Freightpay, which offers additional benefits for frequent shippers.
Simply compare prices using our tool, choose a service, pay, and download your shipping label and collection details. Then, you're ready to dispatch.
Not at the moment. However we may be adding this soon. Our platform allows you to compare just UK domestic shipping services.
FP Credits are a special currency that you can use to pay for your orders allowing frequent customers to enjoy exclusive benefits.
Learn MorePeace of mind with Freightguard cover on shipments. Add Freightguard when you book shipments on Freightdrop.
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